This year - The Parade returns to the Open Market
following the same format of the past few years as a Celebration Event.
The Celebration at the Market will include:
Traditional Irish music and Dance, featuring:
Fianna Phadraig Pipe Band
Aidan Kilroy and Friends
The Francis Cassidy School of Irish Dancing
Huddersfield Irish Set Dancers
Carnival Performance
Across the Moone (modern Irish Duo)
Paul Nonlan and Family
The Celebration will include a Bar, Food Vendors, Sweet Stall, Ice Cream Van and Facepainter at the
In addition, a display of 'come and have a go' Gaelic Football, with the Brothers Pearse GAA is aso planned.
Many thanks to our Funders and Sponsors including: The Irish Emigrant Support Progrmamme, Kirklees Council and Huddersfield Town Football Club - which
all helped to a successful crowdfunding campaign, enabling the Parade to happen!
The Event has received full Council Approval and we are very grateful to Kirklees Council and associated agencies in
assiting us with ensuring all is in place for a safe and enjoyable event.
As we will celebrate St. Patrick's Day on 17th March, we look forward to bringing you the 23rd Huddersfield St.
Patrick's Day Parade Celebration, a day in advance on the 16th March! so as you get to party twice!!
Huddersfield St. Patrick's Day Parade Association